SpectraMedix’s VBP Performance Suite v.11 Achieves ONC Health IT 2015 Edition EHR Certification for Eligible Hospital Measures

Certification for eligible hospital electronic clinical quality measures accelerates value-based care for health systems across the continuum of care. 


East Windsor, NJ — April 7, 2022 — SpectraMedix, a leading provider of value-based care contracting, analytics, and reporting solutions, announced today that SpectraMedix’s VBP Performance Suite version 11 has achieved 2015 Edition ONC Health IT certification as a Health IT Module certified for eligible hospital (EH) electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) reporting. The 2015 Edition Certification Program supports a diverse health IT system, including but not limited to EHR technology, and crosses the care continuum to include a broader range of care settings. Health IT certification criteria in the ONC Health IT 2015 Edition Certification Program enhance privacy and security capabilities, improve patient safety and interoperability, and improve upon the reliability and transparency of certified Health IT.

“We are proud to have earned this 2015 Edition ONC Health IT certification,” said Raj Lakhanpal, MD, CEO, SpectraMedix. “SpectraMedix has certified 25 electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs), including eligible hospital measures. This certification is another example of our commitment to helping our health system customers meet quality measure requirements and transition to value-based care.”

The SpectraMedix VBP Performance Suite enables health systems and health plans to improve quality of care and succeed in value-based arrangements through contract modeling, performance analysis, measures reporting, and workflow management.

The VBP Performance Suite takes providers through the entire eCQM reporting process, including:

  • Assessing eCQM readiness
  • Aggregating and validating data required for eCQMs
  • Calculating, analyzing, and aligning measures
  • Selecting measures to report
  • Tracking performance
  • Reporting results to CMS
Health IT certified to the 2015 Edition certification criteria and associated standards and implementation specifications can be implemented by an eligible provider, eligible hospital, or Critical Access Hospital, and may be used to meet provisions of HHS programs requiring the use of certified health IT. VBP Performance Suite version 11 was certified on December 29, 2021 by ICSA Labs, an Office of the National Coordinator-Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB) and is compliant in accordance with applicable criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). The CHPL Product ID for VBP Performance Suite is and its ICSA Labs Certification ID is 210006R00. The complete certification details can be found at https://www.spectramedix.com/2015-edition-onc-certified-health-it-mandatory-disclosure-information. ONC Health IT certification conferred by ICSA Labs does not represent an endorsement of the certified Health IT technology by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

About SpectraMedix

SpectraMedix delivers a tightly integrated set of applications that accelerate performance for health systems and health plans across the spectrum of value and risk-based arrangements. Our VBP Performance Suite has enabled our clients to save more than $150 million using advanced provider enablement, contracting, and performance analytics capabilities for value-based care initiatives. It is powered by The SpectraMedix Platform™, a scalable, HITRUST CSF Certified, NCQA certified cloud-based framework that is the cornerstone of all SpectraMedix solutions.

About ONC Certification

The ONC Certified Health Information Technology (Health IT) program tests and certifies that Health IT is capable of meeting the 2015 Edition criteria approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

About ICSA Labs

ICSA Labs, an independent division of Verizon, offers third-party testing and certification of security and health IT products, as well as network-connected devices, to measure product compliance, reliability, and performance for many of the world’s top security vendors. ICSA Labs is an ONC-Authorized Health IT Test Lab and is NVLAP accredited (NVLAP Code 200697-0) to ISO/IEC 17025 and is also an ONC-Authorized Certification Body accredited by ANSI to ISO/IEC 17065. Visit https://www.sonicwall.com/products/product-certifications/icsa-labs/ for more information.


Contact Information

Nathan Brown