We're a team that believes advanced, applied analytics can change the healthcare value and quality equation in North America and throughout the world.


Who We Are

We're a team, dedicated to creating amazing applications, that helps healthcare organizations realize better outcomes at a lower cost.


What We Do

We create cloud-based analytics applications to help you transform the way healthcare operates in today's value-centric environment.


Why We Do It

We believe that actionable analytics across the healthcare network can dramatically bend the cost-quality equation and lead to better patient outcomes with a lower cost of care.

Our Values

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INTEGRITY - We are committed to honesty and actions that drive us to do the right thing in a reliable way.

TRANSPARENCY - We believe that the only way to create win-win relationships is to be completely open with ourselves and our customers.

COURAGE - We all strive to maintain a quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulties head-on and without fear.

ACCOUNTABILITY - We hold each other accountable to commitments made to team members and to customers.

INNOVATION - This is the fundamental way we look at the world as we bring constant, consistent value to our customers.

Join Our Team

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Do your values align with ours? Are you talented in your field of expertise? Do you want to make a difference in healthcare?
If so, check out our careers section and see what's available.

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